2025 UH Honors Debate Workshop Interest Form

2025 UH Honors Debate Workshop Interest Form

The Honors Debate Team at the University of Houston is proud to announce the first UH Honors Debate Workshop “HDW” to be held at the University of Houston from June 29th through July 25th. This is a premier debate workshop with top faculty from around the country teaching competitive debate to high schoolers.

There will be two separate two week sessions in each of the following programs:

Policy/Cross-Examination Debate
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Public Forum Debate
Worlds Schools Debate
Congressional Debate

There will also be a four week session for Policy Debate students, and an optional third week extension for students in Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum.

There will also be a two week session Individual Events workshop from June 29th through July 11th.

The workshop is inclusive for all who want to participate and we will have some funds available to help subsidize students who have financial need.

Questions? Contact Rob Glass at: rjglass2@central.uh.edu


Sherry Hall at: sahall4@central.uh.edu