Co-Curricular Experience Approval Form for Co-Curricular Mentors

Co-Curricular Experience Approval Form for Co-Curricular Mentors

This form is designed for Co-Curricular Mentos (Faculty/Staff) who are administering an experiential learning opportunity to request for that opportunity to count towards the Honors in Co-Curricular Engagement Honors designation. This designation is open to all students at the University of Houston, regardless of affiliation with the Honors College.

The following programs do NOT need to be submitted for approval:
-CITE funded programs
-Learning Abroad/Away programs approved through the Office of Learning Abroad

Approved recurring programs are granted a three-year approval, at which point the program will be re-evaluated before being renewed to count for the designation.

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Co-Curricular Mentors are expected to track student participants and submit those at the conclusion of the program each time the program is offered.

For questions, contact